kuroneko no nikki

kuroneko no nikki

my nikki

here are couples of words that i make, hope u can give some comment to it, ^_~ V
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Friday, March 15, 2013

hopefully unhopeless

necessarily sometimes.. we found ourselve useless.. hopeless.. jobless

when we meet that time, what should we did actually?

this is really did happen to me right now..

i'm losing a Job, have to search for a new one, but.. i just dont have any idea, what should I do for live after this..

i dont think i'm fit in to work at the office, but I also dont have a spesific skill to sell

so what should I do???

should I just stay home and wait to get a proposal??

no.. i'm not that hopeless...

I wanna do something.. I really do.. but still I haven't figure it out..


  1. teaching ? :)

    kamu kan bisa bahasa jepang ^_^ gak semua orang bisa dong, siapa tau dapet tawaran yg lebih besar lagi setelah itu, aamiin :)

  2. thanks dear.. your comment always encouraging.. (bener ga tuh nulisnya)
